Friday, September 10, 2010

Making The Best of the Worst: How Susan Retik & Patti Quigley Are Changing The World

“Make That Resume” believes that everyone has the capability to get a job so we like to show what other people are doing and give you ideas.  The economy isn't great but we know that it's not about getting back to where we were before-- it's about learning what we did wrong, recognizing the tools we have in our current economic climate and creating something better.  It's about improving sustainability, environmental consciousness and acknowledgement of the humanities to propel us into a more stable and more successful future.  We believe that everyone is not only capable of this, but responsible for it.  One such example is an organization, Beyond The 11th, started by 2 women, Susan Retik & Patti Quigley, widowed by the tragedy of 9/11.  As described in a New York Times opinion piece, rather than be hateful or angry, these women took their frustrations and problems and related them to women of Afghanistan, many of whom they knew would also be widowed by war.  Both women were pregnant during this time and knew how hard it would be having to care for their children on their own.  They knew the importance of independence, education and the basic needs to maintain a family.  So they started out simple, providing chickens to allow women to sell eggs, which has since progressed into multiple businesses and educational opportunities.  Now a documentary, Beyond Belief, these women's endeavors have proven that we are capable of great things and that we can take the steps needed to turn the adversity created by one unfortunate event into an opportunity to make life better for others.  Susan Retik has even just received the Citizens Medal from President Obama for her work.  You don’t have to start your own organization to follow in their footsteps – just get involved with one that already exists!  Find what you’re passionate about and make a contribution.  Whether its volunteering at a school or simply encouraging others to recycle, everyone can be an active citizen of the world.  Part of making that resume is showing that you are making a difference – so go out there and do it!

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