Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Heisman to Businessman: Eric Crouch's Rise from Fame to Success

He may not be "The Old Spice Guy," but Eric Crouch, who won the Heisman Trophy in 2001 while playing for the Nebraska Huskers, has made himself a career outside of the league.  As highlighted on Yahoo's sports blog, injuries and playing the wrong positions kept Crouch from NFL superstardom, which serves as a good example of how sometimes talent doesn't equate with success.  That doesn't mean that you can't take advantage of what have done.  We're big advocates of being out of the ordinary and using whatcha got to do what you want and achieve your own goals and Crouch is a perfect example.  He now owns his own small business, Crouch Recreation, which installs recreation equipment in schools, parks and other areas.  An appropriate move for a man who clearly enjoys recreational activities himself.  It also doesn't hurt that people want to have a Heisman Trophy Winner show up at their place of work or school.  The moral of the story?  Work with watcha got, kid.  What you start out doing may not be what you always do so it's important to continuously evaluate your skill set and what might be right for you now.  So get to thinkin' and come get a resume.  You never know what might make you awesome at life.

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